Everything that is discussed between a client and therapist is legally and ethically considered to be confidential information. However, please note the following exceptions:
- I am required to break confidentiality if I believe that you may be a danger to yourself or to someone else.
- If you tell me about a situation that involved child abuse or the abuse of a dependent adult or elder, I am legally required to report this information to the appropriate authorities.
- If I am served with a subpoena from a court of law, I may be required to release certain information, as specified by the subpoena.
- If I observe that you are unable to care for yourself (e.g., unable to provide food or shelter), I may need to report your situation to the appropriate authorities.
These exceptions to confidentiality are intended to protect you and others. I am always happy to discuss confidentiality and the limits of confidentiality, as well as any other questions or concerns you may have regarding psychotherapy. I can be reached via email at info@marlacass(dot)com or you can leave a message on my confidential voicemail line at 415-218-2442 (phone link works from smartphones only). Please note that, due to the limitations of electronic transmissions, email confidentiality cannot be assured.
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