Psychotherapy for Therapists and Therapists in Training

Relational Psychotherapy for TherapistsPsychotherapy for Therapists and Therapists in Training

I want to extend a special invitation to clinicians who are seeking psychotherapy for their own support and personal growth.

Despite the wealth of excellent psychotherapists in the Bay Area, finding a good fit for ourselves can be a serious challenge. We want a therapist who can be helpful, but we also want to make sure we are working with someone who can hold the frame both inside and outside of the therapy room, someone with whom we feel safe talking about our fears concerning our own work, someone who remains passionate about being a psychotherapist, and someone who can to help us grow personally and as clinicians. 

The psychotherapists with whom I have worked include psychologists, MFTs, and social workers. They represent many perspectives including psychodynamic, research, CBT, and solution-focused. As is often said, “we are the instrument” and having done our own work is not only evident to our clients, it builds our confidence and helps us to become better clinicians. There is no substitute for this.

My own training and experience includes three years in the post-graduate psychodynamic psychotherapy training program at The Psychotherapy Institute in Berkeley. I have been a group and individual supervisor for several agencies in the Bay Area and in Boulder, Colorado, where I practiced for several years. I have served as the intern coordinator for SF CAMFT and was a mentor to pre-licensed and newly licensed clinicians.

I am passionate about my own personal and professional development and I have participated in numerous year-long study groups, reading groups, and consultation groups. I have served on committees for The South Bay Community for Psychoanalytic Study and The Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California, and have helped develop curricula for intensive study courses focused on psychodynamic/relational psychoanalytic education for clinicians.

I am a community member of several psychotherapy and psychoanalytic organizations representing local, national, international, and political concerns related to our field. In addition to my involvement in my professional community, I am a passionate student of life and of the human condition and I am always seeking ways to expand my knowledge and perspective. I have been a student in The University of Chicago’s Basic Program in Liberal Studies, focusing on classical literature and philosophy; and I am currently in a long-term study group focused on the writings of Hans Loewald and in a year-long class for psychoanalytic candidates focused on Sigmund Freud.

I invite you to contact me to see if I might be able to help you on your professional and personal journey.